Forums Swaps August 2024 COTM

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    • #1679

        Hi everyone! Whew! Another heat wave! šŸ„µ Hope you all are keeping cool!
        The swap names have been sent out. – Hugs, Wendy

      • #1682

          My card has left the buildingā€¦.the flower child

        • #1683

            Mine left this morning too! šŸ˜

          • #1684

              I received my COTM this month from Sheila Rose. Ā Beautiful background using Twinkling H2Oā€™s that she used to paint on the flower embossing folder. Ā Beautiful Geisha girl. Ā You know how I love Asian themed stamps. Ā Thank you so much, hugs, DebRN

              COTM: August 2024

              Username: Yankee

              Title: Flowering Geisha

              Keywords: Geisha stamp, Flower embossing folder, and Twinkling H2O

            • #1687

                I received a great card from Judi, lots of work went into this one. Ā Stamping on each layer. Pretty fall colors (arenā€™t we all looking forward to cooler) lovely embossed tree.

              • #1688

                  Here is the lovely COTM that I received from Lois. Titled: ā€œFriendā€ using items including doubled sided paper from Crafterā€™s Companion. Thanks Lois! – Wendy

                • #1689

                    I got my card yesterday from Wendy! Thank you Wendy for my very pretty card! Titled have a nice day! ā€¦.the flower child

                  • #1694

                      Sorry Debbie…I just got your card. LOL, well not really LOL…I’ve been at my parent’s home and have not been able to get into the office. Rob forgets to bring my work mail to me. UGH ANYWAY…your card is wonderful. THANK YOU.

                    • #1695

                        WONDERFUL cards! Yet again everyone. Nice work. OOXX

                      • #1696

                          Weā€™ve got a nice group of creative ladies! Thanks for participating!
                          – hugs, Wendy

                        • #1706

                            Great cards, everyone. Ā Love all the creativity! Hugs, DebRN

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