Forums Swaps April 2021 COTM

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    • #750

        Hi everyone!
        The swap names for April have been sent out. Enjoy creating!
        – Wendy

        • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by WendyH.
      • #752

          Thank you Wendy!!! Got my name. Hee heeeeeee, I guess with Easter behind us now, will Bunnies be passe? Hummmm, I feel a little cheated on with bunny usage. I may still send a bunny!! I’ll have to think about it. Ok. Back to turning on my creative mode. OOXX

        • #753

            Judi, who knows where bunnies will pop up! Sometimes I’ve even seen deer in the rain … not just in snow!! (We call them “rain deer” ) LOL  Sooooo hop to it and create a smiley creature known as a “hoppy bunny” 😁🐰hehe…. Wendy

          • #754

              Got, my name thank you, Wendy! In the creative world a bunny could be doing any activity. You ladies are funny! ….. the flower child

            • #757

                My card has left the building! Start staling the mailbox…..the flower child

              • #759

                  Here is the COTM that Sheila-Rose created for me. The background was made with versa mark and stencil – then clear embossed and water coloured. That’s one technique I haven’t completed yet! Dream catcher stamp from Echo Park. Great job Sheila-Rose! Thanks, Wendy

                  • #769

                      Yankee…love your embossed resist technique. How fun. Gotta pull that technique out of my creative place and do something as well. So inspired. 🙂

                  • #760

                      Very pretty card Sheila I love the colors chosen…..the flower child

                    • #761

                        I received a very pretty card from Debbie! Thank you Debbie I do love it. If you have a picture please post it. I’m having trouble as usual…..the flower child


                        COTM April 2021

                        USERNAME Debbie (DebRN)

                        TITLE Garden Beauty


                        KEYWORDS gelliplate TH distress oxides SSS wreath die hero arts BG stamp


                        it’s such a sweet card

                      • #762

                          I received my z fold card from Wendy.  It is super with fun flowers.i love it.Z fold card

                        • #763

                            Inside of afloat card

                            • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Yankee.
                            • #770

                                Wow what a fun card from Wendy. Such a great surprise when it’s opened. Glad you took a couple photos. Love the structure. So fun!

                            • #765

                                Beautiful card, Wendy, so bright and colorful. Nice work…..the flower child

                              • #766

                                  Great cards from Sheila-Rose and Wendy.  I love the techniques that Sheila-Rose used on her card.  Lovely colors and great sentiment.  Wendy, love the embossed areas and all the beautiful flowers.  I am always in awe of artists who can create these unique folds on cards.  I always have a hard time when I attempt these unique cards.  Thank you, ladies, for the inspiration.  Hugs, DebRN

                                • #767

                                    Here is the picture of the card I made Blossom aka Lois.  Glad you liked it.  I wanted to make a Spring card and I know you share my love of the color blue.  Hope it brought a smile to your face.  Hugs, DebRNSpring Wreath

                                    • #771

                                        Oh love the wreath and little Cardinals. And the blue is so soothing. Well I sure enjoyed seeing a photo of it and  I’m sure the real thing is absolutely fab!

                                    • #768

                                        Got my card from’s so pretty. Very Springy in pink and gold. Wonderful layout. Blossom said she pulled things out of her “stash.” WOW what a nice stash. Thank you B, I love it!Blossom to JudiKins April 2021 COTM

                                      • #773

                                          You ladies always have great card creations! Love to see the spring ones especially as we here in NB CAN are still seeing a little white stuff here and there, but more green grass and flowers are appearing!
                                          I only make easy folds! I can post templates if you’d like?? Are you interested in making round cards? Hugs, Wendy

                                        • #775

                                            Templates would be nice but simple ones since my brain can only process those kinds!  HaHa!  Round cards would be nice.  Do you use diecuts to make those?  Hugs, DebRN

                                          • #776

                                              I received my adorable COTM from Judi!  Love it, Love it!  Oh and it has blues and greens in it.  The Panda is so sweet!  Thank you for a wonderful card!  Hugs, DebRN

                                              COTM: April 2021

                                              Username: Judikins

                                              Title: Springtime Panda

                                              Keywords: panda, bamboo, eclipse tape, marvy matchables.Judikins panda

                                            • #778

                                                Sweet card Judi!

                                              • #779

                                                  For those of us who have round dies it would be easier to make round cards but sometimes I just use something to trace then cut out by hand. I can post a step to create card on the fold if interested. 

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