Forums Swaps February 2021 COTM

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    • #689

        18Hi Everyone!
        Now is the time to share your creations from your January kits. Your swap names for February have been sent via email. Looking forward to seeing all the results!  😁 Wendy

      • #692

          Got my name thank you!

        • #693

            Thanks, Wendy, can’t wait to get creative, hugs, DebRN

          • #698

              Red and black atc

            • #699

                That was the card and ATC Judi made for this swap.

                it was funny cause I sent her the supplies.Supplies

              • #701

                  Oh too funny! I didn’t even notice when I sent names out! It’s fun to see results.

                • #702

                    Valentine sending loveI received my COTM from Sheila-Rose aka Yankee.  She received her kit from Blossom.  Sheila-Rose says she added the striped tag, flowers and patterned paper.  It is great sparkly Valentines card.  I love it!  Thank you both so much!

                    COTM:  Feb. 2021

                    Username: Yankee

                    Title: Sending Love

                    Keywords: Valentine background paper, Tim Holtz flowers, striped tag, sending love die, gold and gold glitter paper


                    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by DebRN.
                  • #704

                      I forgot to take a picture of the supplies that Lois sent me.

                      if you did please post,Lois.

                      but it was all the gold and sparkly gold pieces I used including the die cut words.

                    • #705

                        Wonderful creation Sheila.

                        Ok…here’s the ATC and card that DebRN sent to me that she made from the Jan kit that arrived from Wendy and a little added sticker. I always love these Asian themed cards. It’s so fun to see all the different elements go together. Thank you Debbie.

                        COTM: Feb 2021
                        Username: DebRN
                        Title: Asian Happens!

                        Cherry  Blossom sticker, Blue Bird

                      • #706

                          My card has finally left the building! I must admit it was difficult until I got started. Sorry for the delay but with the weather and worry and the world situation. I did get it done.


                          Everyone’s cards are beautiful and it’s fun to see owhat one person sends and the other fixes. Fun swap Wendy! You made us all think outside our own comfort zones! ….. the flower child ☺️

                        • #708

                            I got a beautiful card today from Wendy, it’s Asian themed. Thank you Wendy….the flower child

                          • #709

                              Here is the card I sent to Lois. Interesting story……. even as she mailed it early, the January kit from DebRN was running late due to postal system soooo I had to figure out a plan while waiting for it. I asked Deb to email me a sample of a card she made with background she sent in kit.  I decreased it to ATC size and included it on the Feb COTM for Lois and because Deb likes the theme I created an Asian card. Kit finally arrived first week of Feb. 😳 Whew! Needless to say, next month’s swap will be back to simple!!  

                            • #710

                                Thanks Wendy for uploading the card and a beautiful card it is. You did a wonderful Asian card just like Debbie would have. Good job Wendy. It’s nice how we can recognize each other’s styles…..the flower child

                              • #724

                                  Oh Blossom…you certainly received a wonderful ATC and card. Wendy clever creation!! Love it.

                                • #725

                                    So much fun to see all these creations!  Thanks for a different and creative swap.  Hugs, DebRN

                                  • #726

                                      Yeah! Look what came in my mail today…. Lois made a lovely card from Judi’s January kit. She used glitter markers to add colour to flowers in the background and on embossed heart on ATC. They match nicely with glossy red and gold bands. She added Love on ATC. Thanks Lois….. hugs, Wendy

                                    • #727

                                        Thank you Wendy for posting me and Judi’s card. Give me about a week and I will learn to upload it myself. Also I need tutorial on answering PM private messages. … the flower child 😄

                                      • #744

                                          Blossom. Nice job. It’s fun to see how the projects turned out from all the bits and pieces. Great creativity working. Fun challenge Wendy!!!

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