Forums Swaps February 2023 COTM

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    • #1324

        Hello ladies! The swap names have been sent. I haven’t decided if my card will have red on it or??? How about you?
        Have fun! —— hugs, Wendy

      • #1326

          My card has left the building! …..the flower child

        • #1327

            Ah ha! That is fast Lois! Won’t say where it’s going but here’s the beginning of my card…. Maybe? LOL  – Wendy

            • This reply was modified 2 years ago by WendyH.
          • #1333

              Tree card

            • #1334

                One of these days I will get the photo and message together in the same post.

                the mail broke the little charm, I tried to piece it together for the photo.

                For myself I just glued the little bow in place, so the red strips work.

                title. Tree of life by Judikins.  Love this stamp!

                marvy perm markers, shrink plastic, and Judikins heart cube used on envelope.

              • #1335

                  Love the tree and the way the roots spread out.  How was the shrink plastic used, Judi?  Great start to this month’s COTM!  Stay safe and healthy, hugs DebRN

                • #1336

                    I received my COTM this month from Sheila-Rose.  A lovely Geisha with a fan.  Sheila-Rose, you did a great job on the coloring!  I also really love the flower embossed background!  Thank you so much for the great COTM.  Stay safe and healthy, hugs DebRN

                    COTM: February

                    Username: Yankee

                    Title:  Geisha with Fan

                    Keywords: Stamp:  unknown company, markers, Embossed flowersGeisha


                  • #1337

                      Beautiful card Judi. How great is nature! Looks like the shrink plastic was used on the embellishment. Nice work, Judi!….. the flower child

                    • #1338

                        Sheila, I agree with Debbie, great job on the coloring. Love the embossed background. I need to break out mine and use them more. Nice work! ….the flower child

                      • #1339

                          Here is card I received from Lois. I love the pink! Title: Love; heart die from and Tim Holtz love greeting. Thank you! – hugs, Wendy

                        • #1340

                            Look what I just received in the mail. A beautiful card from Wendy! Wendy also made me a paper clip with a breast cancer ribbon on it. Wendy made one for herself which she has on her refrigerator. How sweet is that! The title is Valentine. It’s a gatefold card. Wendy thank you very much. I love my card and your kindness…..the flower child 

                          • #1341

                              COTM Feb 2023 - debRN - Judi

                              My cute card from Debbie arrived ahead of all the weather we’re expecting.

                              So fun with the little Dog and Birdie…or is it a Seal…nope Dog…tail. My brain tends to go to marine mammals. Did you know that sealions are related to dogs? anyway…heehee, that’s a dog. Cute.

                              This is a gate fold card with the hearts attached to close. Inside saying is from Thoreau, “The language of Friendship is not the words but the meanings.”  Beautiful and SO true.

                              Thank you Debbie!!

                              Feb 2023 COTM: “Friends”
                              Keywords: Craft smart, Gelly Roll Glaze Pen, Copic Markers, Stampin Up paper.




                              • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by JudiKins.
                            • #1343

                                LOVE everyone’s cards for this month. How fun.

                                Awwww Sheila, bummer the heart charm got crushed in the mail…I guess USPS has machines now…I thought if placed up high on the card, the machine would miss it. Hummm, I’ll have to read up to see if they still “hand cancel.” Haaa, probably but I bet it will be considered a package at that point. SIGH!! I have to put on my creative hat on this issue.

                                Lois you’re right…shrink plastic. I could’ve used a teeny rubber stamp, but of course I couldn’t find it.

                                Debbie…I designed this tree after the real one in the desert…I have to add to this post, because I can’t remember where it is. Dubai stands out? Somewhere in the Middle East I think.

                                Wendy, another clever gate fold card. Love how you teased us with the tools and products you were starting with. :O)

                                Alrighty…tons of fun. Looking forward to next week and March 2023. OOXX

                              • #1344

                                  Debbie, such a sweet card! It just makes you smile! Nice work…..the flower child

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