Forums Swaps January 2021 COTM

  • This topic has 16 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by DebRN.
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    • #654

        Here are instructions for our first swap of 2021

        For January
        Make a partially finished ATC.

        Enclose with a few pieces/embellishments, mat and blank card base.
        Send to swap name.

        When you receive your pieces create a COTM with ATC on front ready to send for February swap.

        I will send swap names in February.

        Feel free to contact me via email when I send you your swap names.
        Have fun! – Wendy

      • #655

          Thank you Wendy, so we will receive no card this month just the preparation for February. Sounds like fun! ….. the flower child

        • #656

            😁  Well …. Lois….. you sort of get a card to play with once you get your supplies from your swapper…….. but then you’ll have share it with someone next month. 😁So make it nice! ….. lol – Wendy 😁

          • #658

              Well Wendy, I thought I did LOL or at least I try to. So I should have said no uploading this month. Thank goodness I have longer to do the uploading my self I have time to get my courage up. Love you Wendy… the flower child

            • #659

                Great Idea Wendy. This will be fun! Blossom, we’ll get your uploading working. OOXX

              • #660

                  For our January project……..

                  When we receive our “kit” we can post photo of pieces before we create card.
                  It would be fun to see what we have to work with.
                  If you get several pieces…. you don’t need to use everything.

                  Can’t wait to see how things turn out! -😁 Wendy

                • #661

                    Judi, thank youOoooXxxxxO…..the flower child

                  • #662

                      Mailed out my kit,  anxious to get mine!

                    • #663

                        YAY!! Got it. 🙂 Thank you Sheila. Fun stuff here. Ok, now I’m putting on my creative cap for our next step. Wendy, just so I’m clear…I make an ATC and accompanying carrier card, and wait for Feb 1 for my next Swap buddy…right? Woo hoo. Oh…and my envelope left the building today.

                      • #664

                          Yes Judi. You make an ATC and put it on front of card (COTM) ready to send in February. Have fun!

                        • #665

                            Well my COTM has left the building pardon my tardiness so much stuff going on. It shouldn’t take too long to get there now where is it going, I’ll never tell…the flower child

                          • #666

                              I received my packet from Judi I’m not going to reveal it’s content. Thank you Judi some great advice…..the flower child


                              ps this is the second time I wrote this so if your listening out there in cyberspace return to sender.LOL (I forgot to sign in first)

                            • #667

                                To the recipient of the packet for the COTM wet glue is best to use with the papers sent. I’m not sure I wrote that on my note….the flower child

                              • #668

                                  Great idea Wendy.  I sent my kit out already.  Can’t wait to get creative.  Hugs, DebRN

                                • #671

                                    Has everyone received their kits for January? I know mine is on its way.

                                  • #672

                                      Oh Yes. Got mine and I’ve had my creative cap on so I have a good idea of what I’m going to do with my kit. :o)

                                    • #676

                                        I have received my kit.  I hope to get creative this weekend.  Love these different creative COTM’s.  My kit was so “up my alley”. Hugs, DebRN

                                        • This reply was modified 4 years ago by DebRN.
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