Forums Swaps July 2021 COTM

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    • #865

        Hi everyone!
        The July swap names have been sent out. Have fun!   – Wendy

      • #869

          Got my name thank you! 😀

        • #873

            My card has left the building! ….. the flower child

          • #874

              Mine left this morning too! – Wendy

            • #876

                Today was an excellent mail day the only thing in my mail was my COTM. It’s from Sheila…. Thank you Sheila I love it the card is perfect for summer. Sheila used Judi-Kin’s Bob wire stamp some ink and vellum. Beautiful work Sheila….the flower child 

                • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Blossom.
              • #881

                  LOVE that combination of our stamps! Great card Sheila. And Blossom…lucky you’re the recipient. 🙂 Yup, gotta keep promoting those industrious little Buzzy Buzzies. They sure work hard to keep those crops growing. OOXX

                • #886

                    Here is the COTM titled: Tropical Easy that I received from Judi…. A favourite slim card with a hint of sparkle. I love the added flower (shrink plastic) Thank you! – Wendy

                  • #887

                      Beautiful card Judi. Nicely done…..the flower child

                    • #888

                        Love these two cards from Sheila and Judi!  I love seeing how everyone uses their stamps to create different designs and styles of cards.  That is one of the many reasons I enjoy being a member of this great Club!

                      • #889

                          I received my COTM from Blossom!  I love, love, love this card design.  The die cut in the middle of the card is adorable.  The flowered paper is gorgeous!  Thanks Lois! Stay safe and healthy, hugs, DebRN

                          COTM: July 2021

                          Username: Blossom

                          Title: Thanks for Everything

                          Keywords: Crafter Companion die, paper, and sentiment.  Blue heart is Tonic Studios

                        • #890

                            So glad you like the card Debbie! That makes me happy!….. the flower child

                          • #891

                              Blossom, so glad you liked my bee card.

                              i love you thanks card!  I never tried die cutting in the middle of the card.  I don’t really do much die cutting, so I don’t thnk of all the cool stuff you can  do.  But i need to try this!

                            • #892

                                Thank you Sheila, I don’t cut very well with craft knives. So dies are my chosen way of crafting. Although stamping is still my first love die cutting has stolen my heart. The next time I get your name I’ll send you a similar type of card….the flower child

                              • #895

                                  I received COTM from DebRN

                                  she sent me a beautiful card with distress oxides inks and pretty flowers.

                                  i love it!  Thank you Deb, and also for the extra pieces!

                                  Title: Flowery Kindess

                                  Keywords: distress oxide inks,Savaged Patina, Wilted Violet, Squeezed Lemonad

                                  SSS Cosmos background, butterflies Hero Arts

                                • #897

                                  • #901

                                      Here is COTM DebRN sent to Sheila-Rose.

                                    • #902

                                        Thank you Wendy for posting DebRNs card!

                                        i couldn’t get it to post, that is why the message before this is blank!

                                      • #903

                                          So glad you liked the card Sheila-Rose.  I really love all the things you can do with these inks.  Hugs, DebRN


                                        • #906

                                            Very pretty card Debbie. Those oxides are fun to play with….. the flower child

                                          • #907

                                              Oooo pretty card Debbie. Love that watercolor look. And I received my card from Wendy. So clever. Just a simple cut and fold…I’m including 2 scans, so you can see how she made this card.

                                              Keywords: JudiKins Mica Gloss abstract background. Butterfly image from magazine. Rhinestones and sparkle.

                                              THANK YOU Wendy. It’s wonderful!!

                                              Front of card as mailed. COTM July 2021 Wendy to Judi

                                              COTM Wendy to Judi instructions

                                            • #909

                                                Beautiful card Wendy. Love the colors chosen. Nice work….. the flower child

                                              • #910

                                                  It was a fun and easy card to make. Glad you liked it Judi and easy to follow instructions for anyone wanting to try!

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