Forums Swaps May 2023 COTM

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    • #1395

        Hi everyone!
        Time for more creations. The swap names have been sent.

        – Wendy 😁🌺🌼🌷🌻

        • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by WendyH.
      • #1398

          Got my name thank you Wendy!…..the flower child

        • #1401

            My card has left the building……the flower child

          • #1404

              Thanks Wendy! Got my name and my card is almost out the door…hee hee…yes miracles do happen!!! I have to keep up with Yankee whose card I received TODAY!!! 🙂 Sheila made a beautiful card using a paper napkin, embossing folder and our BIG Bee stamp. As you can see…it’s wonderful!  If you look close you can see the embossing texture on the turquoise color of the napkin. And she cut the bee so perfectly…nice work Sheila. THANK YOU!! Oopsie and I forgot the sentiment is from Tim Holtz.

              COTM May 2023 - Yankee to Judi

            • #1405

                What a beautiful card Sheila-Rose! Such an interesting technique!

              • #1406

                  Beautiful card Sheila. I’ll call a Spring beauty! Nicely done….. the flower child

                • #1407

                    I received a beautiful card from Lois.  You make  such nice cards with the focal being the words.  Love them.

                  • #1408

                      I agree with Sheila-Rose…. Lois you have a way with words!

                    • #1409

                        Sheila-Rose, beautiful card!  I haven’t made a card from a napkin in a long time.  Thank you for reminding me how lovely they can be and makes me want to look in my stash for some of these beautiful napkins.

                        Lois, always lovely, colorful creations from you.  Love the sentiments.
                        Can’t wait to see more wonderful creations this month! Hugs, DebRN

                      • #1410

                          My COTM from DebRN arrived today.  It’s so pretty. I’m going to try this “Corner tuck card” fold. Title: “Geisha in Gold”. She used JudiKins Geisha stamp and Altenew markers and gel pen. Thank you! 

                        • #1411

                            Very pretty card Debbie! You always excel at the Asian cards! Just lovely!…..the flower child

                          • #1412

                              I received my card today from Judi! Thank you Judi it’s very lovely….the flower child…XxOooo

                              COTM:May 2023 Title: little humming bird Username Judi! Keywords mica gloss paper cards black glossy card stock look everyone isn’t it lovely 

                            • #1413

                                Pretty cards this month….. it’s almost time for the next COTM swap! 😲😁 Gotta start thinking!

                              • #1414

                                  I received my wonderful card from Wendy this month.  As always, she is so creative and included a corner book mark that is also part of the card design.  So wonderful.  Wendy knows that, along with stamping, love of my family including my furries, I love to read.  I try to read 2-3 books/ week.  Romance, all kinds.  This goes back to when I was in Nursing school.  I promised, when I finished school, I would read a book for the simple pleasure instead of learning.  Don’t get me wrong, nursing is also a passion of mine! is Wendy’s wonderful and clever card.  Thank you again, Wendy!  Stay safe and healthy, hugs DebRN

                                • #1415

                                    Sorry, I forgot to include the template.

                                    COTM: May 2023

                                    Username: WendyH

                                    Title:  Love of Books

                                    Keywords: greeting stamp: unknown, Free Digi pic of books


                                    thanks again Wendy, hugs DebRN


                                  • #1416

                                      Wendy very nice card! Something different. Good job…..the flower child

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