Forums Swaps November 2021 COTM Challenge


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    • #965

        Hi everyone!
        The swap names have been sent. Using everyday items inside/outside the house for inspiration will be a fun challenge. Looking forward to seeing how we all create our cards.
        Have fun! – Wendy 😁

      • #966

          Got my name. Thank you, Wendy! 👍 now for the challenge part let me put my thinking cap on🤔

        • #967

            Lois, once I put the challenge out my thinking cap stopped working!! 😳 I guess I need new batteries! 🤣  LOL  Hope everyone else will have no problems! We need a challenge once in awhile!

          • #968

              Challenge done and in the mail!

            • #969

                Look at this pretty card I got from Sheila. She took a live herb plant she used fennel. I’ve seen this done before but I have never tried it. Good job Sheila……the flower child ps thank you Sheila

                • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Blossom.
              • #971

                  Interesting! How was it done?

                • #972

                    It is Simple to do.  I watched Gena K. Utube on it.  She used leaves but I live in the desert and don’t have trees like that to use.  But you can use any plant, the trick is it has to be half dead, like a leaf that fell off a tree. I cut the fennel and let it set a day or two in a vase.  If it is too alive it will be too juicy and make a mess.

                    take the leaf and sandwich it between two pieces of watercolor paper, put into your die cutting machine and roll through.

                    if it was too fresh you get juice all over the place and a mess on the cardstock..  if you timed it correctly you just smash the plant and get the impression and color on the cardstock.

                    i tried rose petals and the color was never the same as what you see.  .  Afterward you can dry it and flatten it with some books before you make it into a card. Have fun!


                  • #973

                      Thank you Yankee. Something new for me to try.

                    • #974

                        Hi, I finally mailed my challenge COTM earlier this week. Whew! Took longer than I’d expected!! 🤪 How is everyone doing with yours? 

                      • #975

                        • #976

                            I received this great  scarecrow  Card from DebbieRN.

                            she made the background on her gelli plate and distress inks worn lipstick and spiced marmalade. Stamp by Stampland and Coptic markers.

                            picture in the post before.  Took me ten times to finally post it , so I kept trying without words.

                          • #977

                              Super sweet card Debbie. Nicely done….. the flower child 👍

                            • #978

                                My card has finally left the building. I’m sure it will arrive at it’s destination on time….. the flower child

                              • #980

                                  My card left the building last week. Or maybe the week before? LOL keep losing track of time.

                                  WONDERFUL plant pressing project Yankee. Thank you for the instructions. And DebRN love your use of lipstick and (yum) marmalade on the Gel Press. Good use of leftover makeup!!

                                  Can’t wait to see everyone else’s swaps. FUN challenge Wendy.

                                  OOXX Judi

                                • #984

                                    Sheila, love your card with the fennel pressed into card stock.  Gorgeous!

                                    Yankee, glad you liked the card I sent.  To make the background design, I pressed a leftover piece of deck tile that we had redone the top of our deck with, onto the gellipressed inks.  I was going to use leaves but we had a lot of rain and everything was too mushy!  Haha!  Stay safe and healthy, hugs, DebRN


                                  • #985

                                      This is the COTM that I received from Lois.  Gorgeous Autumn colors and shine to this card.  Love the diecut embossed leaves.  Beautiful!  Thank you again, I love it!

                                      COTM: Nov. 2022

                                      Title: Autumn Greetings

                                      Username: Blossom

                                      keywords: Crafters CompanionAutumn Nov. 21

                                    • #988

                                        Thank you Judi for my November COTM. It arrived today! 😁 – Hugs, Wendy


                                      • #989

                                          A very vintage looking card Judi! Nicely done….. the flower child

                                        • #990

                                            Wonderful challenge everyone. Just love all the creativity. I’m so happy my card arrived. BOY, I was getting worried. WHEW!!!

                                          • #992

                                              OMGosh. I’m such a “Ditz” brain. I received my card from WENDY!! Ages ago…and I thought I posted it. SO sorry. This was such a cute card. Loved the humor…yes when Wendy’s away the furry kids play!!

                                              Title: What goes on when Wendy’s not home.
                                              Photo of cat’s fur to stamp on, as well as favorite afghan to create “rug,” potato bag mesh and tin foil for the windows. Stamps are a mix of All Night Media and something from a British magazine.

                                              What Cats do when Im away


                                            • #1009

                                                Very creative everyone.  Great challenge, Wendy.  Hugs, stay safe and healthy, DebRN

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