Forums Swaps October 2021 COTM


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    • #940

        Happy Fall everyone! Leaves are changing colour and decorating lawns here in N.B. Can. Temperatures creeping low some days, but, warm and toasty inside.
        The October swap names have been sent. I’ll “leaf” it up to you as to how to decorate your cards. I’m sure they will be “tree-mendously” unique! 🤣…… happy creating! – Wendy

      • #941

          Got my name, thank you, Wendy! 👍🏻

        • #942

            My COTM went in the mail yesterday. I hope the recipient won’t faint when she finds it in her mailbox! This is the earliest I’ve been in months! 😳😁 – Wendy

          • #946

              Got my name also.  Thanks Wendy!  Stay safe and healthy, hugs, DebRN

            • #948

                My card has left the building….. the flower child 👍🏻

              • #949

                  I received my COTM from Judi.

                  title. Laughing Jack

                  keywords. Wide mouth jackolanter, posh grass

                  Margery le Plume MarkersJack o lantern

                • #950

                    Isn’t my card cool, there is velumn in the mouth,  and inside are some dancing skeletons,so much fun

                  • #951

                      Look at this pretty card I received from Wendy. Thank you Wendy. It’s easy enough I can make one of these cards too. The front panel is attached to the back of the card. What a cool way to open a card. ….. the flower child

                      COTM October 2021

                      Title Front flip card

                      Username Wendy

                      embossing folder Becky Higgins, tree, Stamping up, inside splashes Judi-kin’s greeting posh impressions 



                    • #952

                        Judi, such a fun card. Nicely done! 👏

                      • #955

                          The jack a lantern is adorable spooky, Judi!  Love it!

                          Wendy, love all the texture on this card.  Perfect for Lois.

                          hugs to all, stay safe and healthy, DebRN

                        • #956

                            I received my COTM from Sheila’s Rose.  It is a wonderful Asian themed card with a  beautiful gelli plate background.  Thank you Sheila Rose.  I love it!  Stay safe and healthy, hugs, DebRN

                            COTM: October 2031

                            Username: Sheila-Rose

                            Title: Asian Beauty

                            Keywords: Gelli Plate background, golden Asian stickers, Asian print cut up

                            • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by DebRN. Reason: Image size
                          • #958

                              Pretty card Sheila. The background is very cool. Nice work…..the flower child

                            • #959

                                Yesterday’s mail included a pretty COTM from Lois. Titled: “Autumn”

                                Thank you! – Wendy

                              • #960

                                  Wonderful cards this month everyone. I received mine from DebRN. Just love Debbie’s arrangement of the gnome and pumpkins layered on the Autumn sentiments background. Oh and all the sparkle…so fun. Of course Mom snatched up Debbie’s card and sent it to one of her friends. :O) Sorry Debbie, Mom gave me credit for making the card. LOL she seems to think all of the handmade cards in our office are my making. I’m sure her friend is going to love your card. THANK YOU!!!

                                  COTM Oct 2021
                                  DebRN – Fall Fun

                                  COTM 10-2021, Gnome, pumpkin die cuts, POSH setting sun stamp

                                • #961

                                    Such a sweet card Debbie. The gnomes are always so cute. Nicely done…..the flower child

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