Forums Techniques and Tips Tutorials


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    • #774

        Would anyone be interested in simple fancy fold tutorials? I could post pictures with easy steps. ….. remember….. I only do easy! LOL – Wendy

      • #786

          I am interested.  A year ago I wasn’t at all.

          i have tried a couple and bombed them, but the simple ones made me so happy.

          i did your circle one, turned out ok but nothing to great.  I had better ideas but couldn’t find the stamps I wanted.  My stamps were in a mess, I bought a new unit for storage of the wood stamps yesterday.  I am working on some organizing today.

        • #787

            Great to hear Yankee!  There are times when I don’t even want to play with paper but glad I can get back to it.  Be assured…. if I can’t make it simply ….  I don’t make it at all!! LOL  I won’t be having challenges for every COTM but when I do I’ll include simple instructions if needed. 😁

            Same thing happened to me when I was making circle card.  First idea didn’t turn out at all because of what stamps I wanted to use. I had to do some rearranging.

            Great to organize! I learned that lesson too… much easier to find items! 

          • #788

              Yes, the more the merrier. I think that people are moving away from the A2 sized cards. It sounds like fun…..the flower child

            • #789

                Ladies maybe a 5×7 card would have given better results…. the flower child

              • #790

                  Lois I used a 6 “ circle base and still I had to turn card around to fit the “picture” ….. what a challenge! LOL

                • #791

                    I see, well I hope I don’t struggle! LOL…..the flower child

                  • #793

                      You will do fine Lois! 😁

                    • #806

                        Great idea Wendy. OOXX

                      • #829

                          Hi everyone! I’m looking for ideas for tutorials. Anything you would like me to try to simplify or adapt for this page. Goal is to make instructions simple and fun! – Wendy

                        • #833

                            Hello! Does anyone know how to make this card? Do you want to learn?—- Wendy

                            • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by WendyH. Reason: Changed photo
                          • #834

                              What’s the card called I might already know how to make it if not I’m always love learning something new! Thanks, Wendy…. the flower child

                            • #835

                                Not sure of name. I’m calling it a “crushed’ or folded corner.

                              • #838

                                  Looks like fun…please post instructions. :0)

                                • #840

                                    Here is tutorial for a “crushed” corner card.

                                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by WendyH. Reason: Changed photo
                                  • #866

                                      Anyone interested in tutorials for these cards? – Wendy

                                      • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by WendyH. Reason: Adjusting wording
                                    • #868

                                        Yes, it’s always nice to learn new things! 👍🏻

                                      • #871

                                          Here is another tutorial giving you two card bases to have fun with. 

                                        • #872

                                            Thank you, Wendy! Looks like fun…. the flower child

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