Forums Swaps May 2021 COTM

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    • #780

        Hi everyone!
        The swap names have been sent. Have fun with your circle base card. I’m looking forward to seeing what we all come up with!   – Wendy

      • #784

          Thank you, Wendy got my name and my thinking cap on. It will be fun something different……the flower child

        • #785

            Great Lois! Played with mine this week…… it’s ready to mail. Whew! Hope everyone is having fun with their round creations! 😁 

          • #794

              I received my card from Yankee. Thank you Shiela, you’re always so clever. The first scan is the outside of the card. Blue glitter paper with this cute girl. Open the card and there’s a bookcase with the statement, “Take time to read.” Oh my…I sure need to do this. THANK YOU!! May 2021, Inside Circular Card

            • #805

                Oh Dear. Head’s up…I think I goofed and didn’t quite follow directions…well whoever receives my card…the good thing is there are circles. 🙂 Hee hee. OOXX Judi

              • #807

                  Nicely done Sheila! 👏…..the flower child

                • #808

                    Great card Yankee!

                  • #809

                      Sheila, love this card and the sentiment!  Stamping and reading are two of my greatest things to do, so this really spoke to me.
                      My card went out a few days ago, hope my COTM recipient enjoys it.  I enjoyed making it and now I am going to make a bunch of this round shaped card!  Thanks for the great inspiration and idea Wendy and Sheila!  Everyone, stay safe and healthy, sending virtual hugs, DebRN

                    • #810

                        Judi there are no goofs in cardmaking….. only artistic license!  😁  

                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by WendyH. Reason: Spelling
                      • #812

                          My card has left the building. Start stalking your mailboxes….. the flower child

                        • #813

                            I received a beautiful card today from Judi, with some goodies to make the same. Judi if you have a scan please upload it for me. I love it…..the flower child



                            COTM: May 2021

                            USERNAME: Judi

                            TITLE: blossoms for blossom

                            KEYWORDS: Marvy punch, origami paper, Judi-kin’s stamp

                          • #816

                              May 2021 COTM, Circular Card, Origami, Poppy Stamen

                              I searched online for the term “circle card” ideas and found this pattern. It is called a “Dahlia Fold.” I think it’s a pattern based on origami and quilting. There were tons of variations to browse.

                            • #819

                                I received a wonderful Asian themed circle card from WendyH.  Wendy’s card is so unique and clever.  She used multiple circles in this card from the base, the outside of the card and the inside.  And… she used all Asian themed stamps!  So much fun!  I love it!  Thank you Wendy!  Stay safe and healthy, hugs DebRN

                                COTM: may 2021

                                Username: WendyH.

                                Title: Geisha Circle

                                Keywords: Stamps by Inkadinkadoo, Posh and Jennifer Ellory, silver EPMay circle card


                                • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by DebRN.
                              • #821

                                  Oh how fun to see that all these “circles” have made such wonderful cards. Nice work everyone!

                                • #822

                                    Judi, thanks for posting the card for me. It really very pretty….the flower child

                                  • #823

                                      Wendy, beautiful card. I love the shape of the card. I know Asian themed cards always makes Debbie happy. We enjoy seeing them too…..the flower child

                                    • #824

                                        Great card Wendy, I love how you decorated the edge.  I couldn’t think how to do the edge, that is why I used the glitter paper.  The card you made is called a rocker card, my friend Jan makes lots of them, and I have made them too.  But it’s been awhile, if I had put the girl higher, mine would have been a rocker card too. I love the colored layering Deb did behind her girl, so pretty.

                                      • #825

                                          It’s fun seeing how everyone has used the circle theme. Yes, Yankee I like the rocker card style. I tried another angle for card first and glitter paper too, but settled on this one. Adding circle mats seemed appropriate …. going with theme 😁.. and knowing DebRN likes Asian cards… everything fell “rocked” into place! Lol  

                                        • #826

                                            Here is card I received from DebRN. She used Stampin’Up! paper and butterfly and  Simon Says Stamps sentiment. Entitled: “Butterfly Friendship”. Thank you!
                                            Butterfly Friendship

                                          • #827

                                              Debbie beautiful card ….I love circle cards… Nicely done….. the flower child

                                            • #831

                                                Hi everyone, I received another different style of circle card from Blossom, an easel circle card.  Really cute with butterfly diecuts.

                                                title  Just for you

                                                keywords. Crafter companion dies, gems , cardstock

                                              • #832

                                                  We’ve had a good variety of circle cards this month. Glad you’re all enjoying the challenges! – Wendy

                                                • #855

                                                    Wonderful cards this month!  I love the easel circle card that Blossom made.  I have made 3 other circle cards since Wendy introduced them.  They are quite addictive and I love how you can use your circle, rectangle, etc., dies to make the different shaped cards.  Stay safe and healthy, hugs DebRN

                                                  • #858

                                                      Thank you Debbie. I agree I love making different shaped cards. Circle ones and heart shaped ones are my favorites….. the flower child

                                                    • #859

                                                        Fabulous idea and card Lois! Nice project to wrap up the month.

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