Forums General Info Site – How To’s

  • This topic has 12 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by WendyH.
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    • #532

        For those of you who are existing members, things are different and I’m still figuring out what is different and how to explain the differences. Here’s a page with a couple “Site Tips” that hopefully helps. Post a “Reply” if you have questions.

      • #535

          Thank you Judi

        • #536

            Thanks from me too!

          • #550

              Now how do we post pictures of the cards?

            • #551

                Hi Sheila-Rose,

                Do you see a photo icon at the right side of the message box? Try clicking on that. A box will appear and guide you.
                .- Wendy

              • #574

                  Hopefully “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This is a quick view of how to add images to a Topic or Reply. The hard part is navigating to where your photos are stored. I haven’t tried this on a phone or tablet, but got this working from a computer. –Judi

                  Add Image

                  Navigate to image location


                • #647

                    Just wondering how to change my full name from appearing under my chosen dragonfly icon to my nickname? Thanks, DebRN

                  • #649

                      I think Judi and her helpers will have to change your name under dragonfly from their connections.

                    • #651

                        Okee dokee…it should be changed. 🙂

                      • #669

                          Yes, thank you Judi and your IT gurus!  Hugs, DebRN

                        • #680

                            Hi Judi, I can get on these pages in the different topics but are we able to contact each other on the Posh site. Remember how I used to send swap names on Posh site instead of via emails?
                            Example: Here I clicked on your name and got to your “page” but where it says to write message …. there’s no typing and note says I can’t send empty box.
                            Anyway…….. no hurry …. just something I was wondering about….. Thanks, Wendy

                          • #683

                              Hi Wendy. Geepers…sorry…so frustrating. It worked fine when we first set things up. I just sent a message to the developer to see what possibly changed. In the meantime, thank you for persevering in having to do things the kinda clumsy way. I’ll let you know when I hear back from them. OOXX Judi

                            • #685

                                Thanks Judi. I don’t mind doing things the other way. I thought I might have been doing something wrong here. OOXX Wendy

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